Hoya Obovata

Plant Facts

Plant Characteristicis Description
Species H. Obovata
Name Origin Obtained name from the rounded, oval leaves.
Origin India, Indonesia, Thailand and Fiji
Leaf Morphology Obicular green leaves, with a splashing or flecks of grey or silver.
Flower Morphology Slightly revolute flat light pink flowers with magenta centers and orange accents.
Flowering Schedule Flowers typically produced in spring and summer.
Maximum Size Over 3-6 feet indoors.
Humidity Loves high humidity but can tolerate lower humidity levels.
Temperature Thrives best 50 - 77 degrees Fahrenheit.
Close up of the large dark green oval leaves of the Hoya Obovata. The leaves are flecked with white or a light grey-green. The vines are large and green. Several bundles of white flowers can be seen dispersed throughout the plant.
Leaves of the Hoya Obovata
A close up of the fuzzy white flowers of the Hoya Obovata. The centers are magenta and star-shaped with yellow accents. dew can be seen collecting around the center.
Flowers of the Hoya Obovata